
Sedation & Hospital Dentistry

IV Sedation

Sedation dentistry refers to the use of sedation during dental treatment. Sedation is most commonly used during regular pediatric dental procedures for patients who are stressed due to their age and high anxiety. There are different types of sedation.

The anesthesiologist will place your child under general anesthesia and monitor them through their treatment and recovery while Dr. Cohen does their dental treatment. Their treatment will be regular pediatric dental treatment done under general anesthesia.

Sedation is endorsed by the American Dental Association and is an effective way to make many patients comfortable during their dental visit. Before using a sedative, it is important to tell your pediatric dentist about any medications or medical treatments your child is receiving. Before administering any sedative, your pediatric dentist will talk to you about the process of sedation and pre-and post-sedation instructions.

Hospital Dentistry

One of our unique services is hospital dentistry. This is regular pediatric dental treatment done in a hospital setting under general anesthesia on an out-patient basis. A medical anesthesiologist will place your child under general anesthesia and monitor them through the treatment and recovery.

Your child may need hospital dentistry if they are stressed due to their age and high anxiety and cannot cope with dental treatment in our office. If your child has special needs they may also be a candidate for this type of treatment.

If you have any questions about hospital dentistry, or think that it may be needed for your child, please let us know. Dr. Cohen treats these patients at Phoenix Children's Hospital or Banner Estrella Surgery Center.